Psilocybe Aucklandiae mushroom

Psilocybe Aucklandiae mushroom

Level 1 – Micro-dose (0.05-0.25 g): mild and gentle, enhancing your mood and increasing your energy overall.

Level 2 – Mini-dose (0.25-0.75 g): increased flow states, clearer and more connected thinking, enhanced senses, and increased motivation.

Level 3 – Museum dose (0.5-1.5 g): mood enhancement, mild to moderate visual impact, introspection, altered perception, and increased sensitivity to light.

Level 4 – Moderate dose (2-3.5 g): life-changing introspective or philosophical insights, finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting, synesthesia.

Level 5 – Megadose (5+ g): strong hallucinations, mystical experience and intense feelings of wonder, complete loss of reality, logic, and ego, merging with the environment.

Magic Mushrooms

Buy Psilocybe Aucklandiae mushrooms
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