Common Mushrooms in Georgia

Georgia is home to a diverse array of mushrooms, ranging from edible varieties to those with medicinal properties. Here are some common mushrooms found in Georgia:

Turkey-tail Mushroom: Known for its colorful concentric rings, the turkey-tail mushroom is often used in traditional medicine for its potential immune-boosting properties.

Common Greenshield Lichen: While technically not a mushroom, this lichen is abundant in Georgia and can be found on tree bark and rocks. It is known for its distinctive green coloration.

Blewit: The blewit is a purple-hued mushroom that grows in leaf litter and mixed woods. It is favored by mushroom foragers for its culinary uses.

Dryad’s Saddle: This large, shelf-like mushroom is commonly found in Georgia and is known for its unique appearance, resembling the shape of a saddle.

Splitgill Mushroom: Often found on decaying wood, the splitgill mushroom has distinctive gills that split lengthwise.

It is part of the Schizophyllum genus.

Morels (Morchella spp.): Morels are highly prized edible mushrooms that grow in various habitats, including forests and grasslands. They are known for their distinctive honeycomb appearance.

Chanterelles: These golden-colored, trumpet-shaped mushrooms are sought after by foragers and are prized for their delicate flavor and culinary versatility.

Psilocybe cubensis: This mushroom species contains psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. It is important to note that the possession and use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms are regulated in many regions.

When identifying and foraging for mushrooms, it is crucial to exercise caution and seek guidance from experienced mycologists or foragers to ensure proper identification and safety.

Some mushrooms may be toxic or have hallucinogenic properties, making accurate identification essential.